Friday, February 6, 2015

Wondering and Wandering

The Hebrews wandered in the desert for 40 years with the wrong perspective, the wrong attitude, and the wrong expectations. 

I kind of wonder if that is what this has been—my desert. My time of refining. I just finished re-reading every word I’ve written here, and I can’t help but feel like a fool—how high my expectations were for so long, and how far I have fallen since then. I’m back at ground zero, having gotten to the wall around my personal Promised Land and having been overwhelmed by the task still ahead. And so back to the desert I went to wander and reflect. God has done wonders and miracles, and I’d nearly made it, but I let doubt overtake hope, and I turned away. 

Today we had a meeting at work, and the VP, of all people, today said the most inspirational thing I’ve heard in a really long time:
“Don’t let your future be defined by your past. Let it be defined by your intent, and by your dreams.”

Simple, trite, cliché… maybe in some ways. But honestly, it may be the key to everything I am battling.I can honestly say that most of the time, I define my future based upon my past and my present, which for me only undermines all the hopes I have in life. 

I may not be in the Promised Land yet, but for as many times as I have failed, and may stumble in the future, one day I'll make it. It will be awesome.

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